
is golden boy anime worth watching

Comedy + Ecchi = Golden Boy

Golden Boy is a story about Oe Kintarou, a genius guy who loves to try every odd job he can do. Despite completing all his university courses, he does janitor work and other stuff - all he claimed for the purpose of learning.

Though he has this stupid-looking face...

oe kintarou golden boy

These hot girls fawn over him:

golden boy girls cast
golden boy girls cast
golden boy girls cast
golden boy girls cast
golden boy girls cast
golden boy girls cast

So is Golden Boy worth watching?

Yes, if you like stuff like these:

golden boy ecchi

golden boy ecchi

Take note. Pictures above are only mild. If you watch Golden Boy, you will see more extreme and raw stuff.

But if you are also into a great comedy... You should definitely watch Golden Boy.

golden boy funny gif

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